As a wife, mother, homeowner and active community volunteer; I have paid witness to our community struggles in the last few years. I am disheartened our neighborhoods have been neglected. Over the last decade, the framework of our beautiful communities has drastically changed.

These current times are unparalleled! Never before have our communities had to struggle with the incredible adversity as it is facing today! A global pandemic has caused massive issues! Unemployment is soaring and the day to day cost of living is pricing so many local families out of paradise! For those who are able to remain here they face mounting concerns over safety for keiki and kupuna!

We face a litany of issues: near economic collapse, record unemployment numbers, lack of improvements to our parks, roads and infrastructure. Traffic congestion, soaring addiction levels and more members of our community who are either houseless or struggling to stay in their homes!

With over 20+ years of managerial and executive experience in both the public and private sectors, I am committed to asking the tough questions and ensuring that your voice will always be heard at our Hawaii State Capitol!

Leadership has marched to the same drum in Hawaii for decades and look where it has gotten us. It's time to do more than just talk about change. We must take action! It won't be easy but with your help we can do this! Let's R.I.S.E. up Hawaii - together!

Mahalo for your consideration!

Reduce costs and Reinvent

Many people in our communities are living on fixed incomes, most of all our kupuna. We need to do all we can to stop the rising cost of living and ensure those living on fixed incomes can make ends meet. That means making the best use of dollars we have instead of raising taxes, and paying attention to our core responsibilities instead of creating new ones that bleed dollars away from core community services.

Improve crumbling Infrastructure

State government must be true to its primary responsibility of ensuring that basic services like beaches, highways, Aloha Stadium and other infrastructure are up-to-date and well maintained. The current state administration hasn’t acted fast enough to make sure our highways are maintained and our beaches are not over run with houseless. I want to refocus our priorities so commuters aren’t ruining their cars driving over massive potholes, and we always pursue proactive and modern solutions to pressing problems.

Safety and Sustainability

We have to ensure the police, fire, emergency medical personnel, and community service non-profits have the tools and resources they need to do their jobs. We need to keep our communities safe and crack down on criminals who often target our kupuna. Let's ensure better access to health and wellness resources for everyone. Collaboration amongst city, county and state departments must be better. Its past time that we all started rowing in the same direction to keep our keiki to kupuna happy and healthy in their communities.

Engaged Community


Growing up, one of my family’s favorite spots was the Kam Drive-In Theatre. What used to be a fun, family-friendly gathering spot is now a storage lot for old cars. Although our communities have to change with the times, too often we’re leaving behind treasures that give us a shared sense of community. So when it comes to zoning decisions or new ordinances, I want to make sure that we preserve the character that has made our communities special.

About Me

My ohana’s roots run deep in Aiea and Pearl City. I was born in Waipio, raised in Aiea, and my husband Jay was born and raised in Pearl City. Like every local family in our community, our parents worked hard to provide for their families. My father worked graveyard shifts at Pearl Harbor so he could spend the day with us kids and build our Ohana home. Jay’s father has been a teacher in Pearl City for over 20 years. My mother, a project manager for the Navy, helped provide for our family and taught me the importance of sound business and budgeting.

Now, my husband Jay and I are raising our two kids, our sixteen year old son Kainalu and our eight year old daughter Kahiau, in the very same community that raised me. 2020 has been an incredibly tough year. People are in despair, the economy is in shambles and there seems like no hope in getting this pandemic under control. After becoming a mom and working over 20+ years in the public & private sector, I’ve never seen anything quite like this. Now more than ever it is hard to raise a family and make ends meet.

That’s why I’ve decided to run for Hawaii State Senate: to inspire hope, reinvent our government, help build opportunity and to help fix these seemingly overwhelming issues!

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Help change Hawaii.

We are all in this together. Everyone has a part to play in correcting the mistakes from the past and forging a path to prosperity again. Now more than ever Kelly needs your help to rebuild our communities. Together we need to find alternatives to our houseless challenges, expanding mental health care for those that are in need and figure out a better way to address crime in our neighborhoods. Our prisons are maxed out. Most importantly how do we encourage #AlohaAlways? WE deserve better, our keiki and kupuna deserve better. In whatever capacity you are able to assist- whether it be time, money or resources, Kelly wants to hear from you! Let's reinvent the future! Click the button to connect with Kelly or interact with her on her social!

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Paid for by: Friends of Kelly Kitashima!

PO BOX 2791

Aiea, HI 96701